Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Odessa Polytechnic National University
Institute of Computer Systems

General PARTNER of the conference:

«Informatics.  Culture.  Technology»

Dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Institute of Computer Systems
26.09.2024 – 27.09.2024

Dear colleagues!

We invite you to participate in the conference, dedicaded to the

 60th anniversary of the Institute of Computer Systems!

The purpose of the conference is to exchange the results of interdisciplinary scientific and practical researches in the field of informatics, culture and technology.
  • Svitlana G. Antoshchuk, Dr., Prof., National University “Odesa Polytechnic”, Ukraine
  • Anatolii A. Furman, Dr. of Psychology, Prof., National University “Odesa Polytechnic”, Ukraine
  • Valerii M. Lingur, PhD, Ass. Prof., National University “Odesa Polytechnic”, Ukraine
  • Siemens Ed., Dr., prof., University of Applied Sciences. Anhalt, Germany
  • Vyacheslav S. Kharchenko, Dr., Prof., National Aerospace University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute”, Ukraine
  • Vitalii O. Romankevych, Dr., Prof., National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Ukraine
  • Svitlana V. Chumachenko, Dr., Prof., Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Ukraine
  • Volodymyr I. Lytvynenko, Dr., Prof., Kherson National Technical University, Ukraine
  • Konstantin S. Kucher, Ph. Växjö, Sweden
  • Vira V. Lyubchenko, Dr., Prof., Hamburg University of Applied Sciences. Hamburg, Germany
  • Katerina V. Kolesnikova, Dr., Prof., International IT University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Valeriy S. Yakovyna, Dr., Prof., University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn, Poland
  • Vitaliy I. Mezhuev, Dr., Prof., FH JOANNEUM University of Applied Sciences. Austria
  • Scholler Thorsten, Dr. Eng. Augsburg, Germany
  • Serhii V. Mashtalir, Dr., Prof., Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Ukraine
  • Ruslan O. Shaporin, Dr., Researcher, Institute of Physical and Information Technologies, Spanish National Research Council. Madrid, Spain
  • Kostiantyn V. Zashcholkin, Dr., Prof., National University “Odesa Polytechnic”, Ukraine
  • Olena O. Arsiriy, Dr., Prof., National University “Odesa Polytechnic”, Ukraine
  • Oleksandr N. Romaniuk, Dr., Prof., Vinnytsia National Technical University, Ukraine University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
  • Yuliia L. Khlevna, Dr., Prof., Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Oleksandr P. Gozhyi, Dr., Prof., Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University. Mykolaiv, Ukraine
  • Nataliia O. Komleva, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Ass. Prof., National University “Odesa Polytechnic”, Ukraine
  • Oleksandr N. Martyniuk, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Ass. Prof., National University “Odesa Polytechnic”, Ukraine
  • Anna V. Misiun, Candidate of Arts, Ass. Prof., Institute of History of Art, National University “Odesa Polytechnic”, Ukraine
  • Svitlana O. Kolot, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Ass. Prof., Institute of History, National University “Odesa Polytechnic”, Ukraine
  • Nataliia V. Dobroier, Candidate of Cultural Studies, Ass. Prof., Institute of History, National University “Odesa Polytechnic”, Ukraine
  • Oleksandr A. Blazhko, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Ass. Prof., National University “Odesa Polytechnic”, Ukraine
  • Daria A. Lys, Dr. of Philosophy, Senior Lecturer, Institute of History of the National University “Odesa Polytechnic”, Ukraine
  • Volodymyr F. Semeniuk, Dr., Prof., National University “Odesa Polytechnic”, Ukraine
  • Maksym V. Maksymov, Dr., Prof., National University “Odesa Polytechnic”, Ukraine
  • Vasyl P. Larshin, Dr., Prof., National University “Odesa Polytechnic”, Ukraine
  • Alla Ye. Denysova, Dr., Prof., National University of Odesa Polytechnic, Ukraine
  • Olga Yu. Chernousenko, Dr., Prof., National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Ukraine
  • Oleksandr M. Nedbaylo, Dr., Prof., National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Ukraine

1. Informatics
– Information computer systems and technologies
– Software engineering
– Theoretical and applied aspects of computer systems
– Methods and means of intellectual information processing
– Information security technologies

2. Culture
– Information technologies in the field of education and culture
– Information and communication systems in culture and creativity
– Information systems in education and science
– Game technologies, augmented and virtual reality systems
– Information society technologies and problems of modern urbanism

3. Technology
– Information technologies in engineering
– Robotic systems and complexes
– Innovative energy technologies
– Management of energy and production plants

Responsible for the 1st theme:  Martyniuk O. M., Komleva N. O., Shaporin R. O.

Responsible for topic 2: Dobroyer N. V., Kolot S. O., Misiun A. V., Lys D. A.

Responsible for Theme 3: Lobachev M.V., Denysova A.E., Lingur V.M.

Translated with (free version)

Conference dates

10.09.2024  –  submission of applications for participation and abstracts of reports

15.09.2024  – sending a notification about the acceptance of the application

17.09.2024  – payment of registration fee

26.09.2024 – 27.09.2024 – conference

Full information on the conference (questionnaire, registration rules) on the website –

The official languages of the conference – English, Ukrainian

Form of participation – (in person, distance)

The application contains the following:

  • surname and initials of each author;
  • academic degree and title;
  • position and place of work, city, country;
  • contact data (e-mail, telephone);
  • name of the report;
  • thematic area.

The organization fee includes: 

informational support for plenary and sectional sessions of the conference, publication of the electronic collection of works (ISSN) and certificate

  • for Ukrainian participants – UAH 300
  • for foreign participants – 10

Details for payment of the registration fee:

MFI NO: 322313

BANK ACCOUNT: UA553223130000026009000032098

Recipient: FOP Kuznetsov M.O.

EDRPOU code: 3064520552

Purpose of payment: For consulting on informatization issues. ICT2024. Name and initials of the author

Titles of abstracts
11.07.2024Misiun G.V.Cyberreality of art: Internet as the third spaceCulture    
12.07.2024Denisova A.E., Ivanov P.O.Model of unsteady thermal processes in the ground heat pump system Technology + + 
12.07.2024Baraniuk O.V.; Rachynskyi A.Y.; Chernousenko O.Y. Modeling of processes in a steam boiler E-50-4,0-430 GMTechnology    
13.07.2024 Lys D.A., Havrylenko O.V., Novikov V.O.Computer experiment as a new cultural practice of mathematical model in cyborgization and epistemologyCulture +  + 
14.07.2024Kolot S.O.(Odesa); Hristich A.L.** SwitzerlandDeterminants of personality procrastination in the learning processCulture+ + 
15.07.2024Rachynskyi A.Y., Baranyuk O.V., Chernousenko O.Y.Thermal-aerodynamic and environmental characteristics of the boiler of DKVR typeTechnology    
15.07.2024Yakovenko L.I.; Horchynskyi O.O.Early inventions of Stefan Dzhevetskyi and their importance for the development of land transport cultureCulture +   
16.07.2024Tozhyieva V.V.; Bezverhna A.V.; Vankov A.A: Zayarchenko B.R.; Kutsos V.O.Polish Christmas shops: the origins of the tradition and types of decorationsCulture    
16.07.2024Kozachenko O.M.; Rusek A.; Honcharuk S.R.Stefan Dziewiecki as an inventor of submarinesCulture +  + 
18.07.2024Vysocyn V.V., Polusmyak A.P., Runets M.S., Smolyansky E.S.Formation of structural characteristics in a heating solar complex with a ground heat accumulatorTechnology    
27.07.2024Mamalyga V.M.; Voitenko V.A.; Dudka E.I.; Cherevaty A.O.Alternative heat supply systems for the facilities of JSC “Ukrzaliznytsia” Technology +   
27.07.2024Goncharova O.E.; Yezersky V.B.Preservation of human integrity in modern digitalizationCulture    
29.07.2024Romankevych V.O., Iermolenko I.A., Morozov K.V., Romankevych O.M.Method of GL-model construction for sequential k-out-of-n systemTechnology + + + +
02.08.2024Nedbaylo O.M.Analysis of thermal characteristics of thermoelectric film heating systemTechnology+   
05.08.2024Sychkov V. S., Kozachenko D. O.Research of the effectiveness of web applications for publishing translations of oriental literatureInformatics    
05.08.2024Sychkov V. S., Gurnytska V. O.Designing the architecture of a software system for reading and publishing amateur literary worksInformatics    
11.08.2024Beglova N. M., Klyabina T. M., Beglov K. K.The influence of social networks Instagram, Facebook and Tiktok on the development of lyceum students, students and adults in Ukraine in 2023-2024Culture+ +
12.08.2024Gushchin A.M., Larshin V.P., Buchka E.V, Lysyi O.V.Mechatronic technological system based on CNC and intelligent mechatronic mechanismTechnology    
12.08.2024Pavlenko V.D., Ilutsa A.S., Gidulian V.I.Software tools for organizing cloud computing in psychophysiological research based on itracking dataInformatics+ +++ 
12.08.2024Pavlenko V.D., Lukashuk D.K.Estimates of the accuracy of identification of a nonlinear dynamic system using step test signalsInformatics    
16.08.2024Konstantinova O.V., Andreeva A.Y., Dzhurynska A.S.Polish cinema in the context of European cultureCulture    
20.08.2024Martyniuk O.M., Drozd O.V., Baskov I.O.Analysis, verification and testing of distributed computer systemsInformatics    
20.08.2024Surkov S. S., Martynyuk O. M., Mileyko I. G.Information technology for optimizing data processing in a multi-server environment using queues and batch data authenticationInformatics
21.08.2024Marulin S.Yu. The influence of the flash-lag effect on decision-making by assistant referees in football in the context of rule #11Informatics    
21.08.2024Pastuh Ya. T.Analysis of electric motor temperatures using machine learning modelsTechnology    
21.08.2024Zaikov V.P., Meshcheryakov V.I., Ustenko A.S.Management of reliability indicators of thermoelectric systems for providing thermal regimes with limited energy consumptionInformatics+ + 
21.08.2024Zaikov V.P., Meshcheryakov V.I., Ustenko A.S.Complex control systems for thermal regimes of radio-electronic equipmentInformatics+ + 
23.08.2024 Dobroyer N.V.
Using big data for analysis and forecasting of cultural trends
Culture+ + 
23.08.2024Krzysztof Popiński
 The Development and application of computer science in  Poland before 1989
Culture+ ++ + 
23.08.2024 Grybniak S. S., Leonchyk Y. Y., Mazurok I. Y., Nashyvan O. S., Vorokhta A. Y.
 On Waterfall’s cryptoeconomic projection
30.08.2024Lyubchenko V.V.; Chumachenko D.K
A Three-Tier Approach to IoT Software Architecture Design
05.09.2024 Buyukli V.S., Naumenko R.I., Tishin P.M.
Improvement of the graph neural network model for simulation modeling problems
Informatics +   
06.09.2024 Sichkaryuk R. K., Kornilovska N. V., Lurie I. A., Voronenko M. O.
Development and implementation of effective web scraping methods for automated data collection and processing using Python
Informatics +  + 
06.09.2024Kornilovska N. V., Vyshemirska S. V., Karamushka M. V., Sichkaryuk R. K.
Development of an interactive platform using a software interface to facilitate social connections
Informatics +  + 
06.09.2024Uhrin D.I., Kalancha A.D.

Comparison of textual information from information sources based on the cosine similarity algorithm

 Informatics +  + 
06.09.2024Isachenko O.V.

Logical methods of forensic examination of devices with the Android operating system

Informatics +  + 
06.09.2024Isachenko O.V.
 Termux mobile application for forensic examination of devices with the Android operating system
Informatics +  + 
06.09.2024Isachenko O.V.
 A review of NER machine learning models for mobile data analysis in forensics
Informatics +  + 
07.09.2024  Stasio O.R., Burak N.E
 Recognition of named entities and their role in the analysis of unstructured data
 Informatics +   
07.09.2024Shurygin K. A., Zinovatna S. L.
Software architecture for implementing a personal budget manager with artificial intelligence recommendations
Informatics +  + 
08.09.2024  Nikitchenko M. I.
 Management and editing of UML documents: structure, integration, automation
 Informatics + + + +
08.09.2024  Melnychuk H.O.; Lyaskovska S.E.
 Optical Music Recognition: Challenges and Future Directions
Informatics. Information computer systems and technologies +   
08.09.2024 Tereshchenko O.I.
 Integration of nlp and machine learning methods for security of smart contracts: comparison with classical methods
Methods and means of intelligent information processing + + ++ 
08.09.2024 Shevchuk O. S., Voytenko V. A.
Development of intelligent mechatronic motion module of mobile industrial robot
Technology: Robotic systems and complexes + + + +
09.09.2024Rebrii M. S.; Zinovatna S. L.
 Candidate resume analyzer using artificial intelligence
10.09.2024Syromyatnikov M.V., Ruvinska V.M., Troynina A.S.
 ZNO-Eval: Benchmarking reasoning capabilities of large language models in Ukrainian
10.09.2024Fomin O.O., Tataryn O.V., Fruntov O.V., Kanevsky V.O.
 Increasing the accuracy of weighing systems in motion using dynamic neural networks
10.09.2024Makarova A. M., Troynina A. S.
 A mobile application for network performance analysis on iOS
10.09.2024A. I. Povoroznyuk
 Heterogeneous ensemble classifier in computer systems of medical diagnostics
10.09.2024Oleksiy Anatoliyovych Kolosyuk; Zinovatna Svitlana Leonidivna
Automated social media management manager based on artificial intelligence
11.09.2024Korneva N.M., Bogdanova O.N.
A study of the impact of cloud-based technologies on the educational process
Doctor of Tech. Sciences, professor 
Oleksandr Valentynovych Drozd 

We invite like-minded people, graduates of ICS (FACE), employees of CKPD «Discret», those who have experience in the field of IT, to discuss the problems of the current state of education and work for IT specialists.

Patronage – Editorial board of journals

Applied Aspects of Information Technology –

Herald of Advanced Information Technology –

After the conference, the best reports will be recommended for publication in the listed scientific and technical journals
(with revisions to the article format)



Title of the report (14 pt)

Surname and initials of each author

academic degree, academic title, position, name of the institution of the place of work, ORCID if available and e-mail address (10 pt)

Abstract and keywords (9 pt), 300-350 words

Keywords: 8-10 words

Theses are submitted by 10.09.2024 year (inclusive) in electronic form in .doc or .docx format, Microsoft Word editor Theses are 5-6 pages in А-4 format. Font – Tіmes New Roman, font size – 12 pt., paragraph – 0,75 cm, margins from all sides – 20 mm, interval – 1 Figures are inserted into the text of the thesis. The numbers and inscriptions present in the drawings must be easy to read. Each figure must be signed, the table must have a title. Use the built-in equation editor for formulas and equations. Formulas are numbered in round brackets on the right side. References to the literature [1], to various sources – through a comma [1, 2] The last page is at least 75% full. The report is 7-10 minutes long, a presentation is required


  1. The bibliography should contain only sources that are referenced in the text
  2. References should be at least 6-8 items

To prepare theses (.doc)

  1. Send the theses of report and the presentation to the journal editors to (by 10.09.2024).
  2. Upon successful review by the journal editors, the response «The theses of the report is accepted» is provided.
  3. Pay the organizational fee and send a copy of the payment receipt to

A DOI is assigned to the journal and materials of the scientific conference.

The electronic journal with the materials of the conference will be posted on the website

The number of theses co-authors is no more than 4.
The number of submitted materials from one author is not limited.

Check theses for plagiarism:

1, Shevchenko Ave. Odessa, building 5, room 5, 65044, Ukraine

Odessа Polytechnic National University


Olga Serhiivna +38 (063) 9937234, +38 (067) 3179650 (Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram)



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